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Wednesday, September 21, 2005

Big Brother 6

i just finished watching the finale for Big Brother 6. grrrrrr i just KNEW maggie was going to win when ivette voted janelle out the other day. i really wish kaysar would have been able to stay in the game and win. i just loved him since the first episode and couldn't believe it when he just gave the head of household to that annoying backstabbing bitch jennifer. he managed to win the votes to come back onto the game and just handed his place in the house over to the nerd herd. so since he left the house i started to root for rachel but she was evicted, so i had to go for janelle, and she was a great competitor and knew her big brother 6 trivia. she was sooo smart, its too bad she looked like a barbie doll, or i woulda been rooting for her as soon as kaysar left.
i hope next years show is just as interesting as this years :O)