Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Monday, October 31, 2005

Happy Halloween / Samhain

i am really bummed that i didn't get around to decorating for Halloween this year. it was too early to do it in September and than i went to Vegas for a week, and than i was sick for a week and a half, and by that time i just couldn't justify all the work to find the stuff and putting it out just for a week or so until the holiday passed. and of course usually i am bad about taking it down for months afterwards... so i guess i will just have to have tons of fun with it next year :) i really want to get roland to make fun headstones to put in the yard... someday :)
i am also bummed that we won't be handing out candy to the neighborhood kids, but our porch light doesn't work and now with the time change it gets dark before 5 pm... oh well.
i am looking forward to taking some time tomorrow evening to meditate and chat with my ancestors, especially my mom. i do miss her and hope she has moved on to a better place / life now :) love you mom.