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Monday, November 14, 2005

Date Night with Derailed

we have decided to change date night to mondays because roland usually has lots of work due on wednesdays and needs to be able to work late on tuesdays. tonight we went to noodles and company for dinner and went to the theater to see "Derailed". it was a really good movie, full of all kinds of twists and turns. if you like thillers and plot twists, you should see this movie. i think jennifer aniston and clive owens were fantastic. it was also nice to like melissa george in a show. i HATED her on alias cuz she stole vaughn from sydney. yes, i know that sydney was "gone" for like 2 years and vaughn mourned her for dead and moved on and married melissa george's character, but i am still allowed to hate her for making sydney so upset. hehe :)
anyway, i am looking forward to date night next week - HARRY POTTER!!! woo hoo!