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Friday, November 04, 2005

Walk Away the Pounds

on october 24th i started a new fitness schedule. i am following the 6 week plan from Leslie Sansone's book "Walk Away the Pounds". it is actually really easy. i am currently on day 12 and have stuck with the program pretty well so far. she has one day a week that is "unstructured" where she encourages you to walk farther to work from your car, or play with the kids. well working at home makes that difficult for me, so i will just have to start just doing one of her 1 mile walks. i am using some of her videos to help me get the quick, brisk walks done, even before she has asked for a quick walk in the book :) i have 3 of her 1 mile programs, 2 of the 2 miles and only 1 of her 3 miles, i hope to expand my collection over time :O) my difficulty with exercise programs is sticking with it. i am hoping this plan will help me get in the habit to walk/exercise. when i finish the 6 weeks i plan on continuing the walking, but every other day i will do yoga or belly dancing or something different, just to keep it from getting to boring. i also hope that after i get in the habit of exercising to start working on my diet and trying to eat healthier.