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Thursday, January 26, 2006

my weekly meeting

went to my weekly weight watchers meeting tonight and i have now officially lost 15.8 lbs. :O) i am getting close to losing my first 10%, which will be 21 lbs. (so if you do the math you can figure out that i weight 211.6 lbs. when i first went to weight watchers on december 1st :O)
i am still amazed at how easy this process has been. usually diets totally suck! but this is more of counting calories and eating under those calories. i can still have mcdonalds, just not for both lunch and dinner. this last week was more difficult for me, i was hoping i was pregnant, but it turns out that i was just pmsing, so i was having a tough time sticking to only eating the points that i had, i really wanted to splurge and eat lots of junk, but i managed to control it mostly and still lost 1.2 lbs. over the week.
i mostly just miss real soda, oh doctor pepper, i miss you soooo much! but my new favorite diet drink is diet sunkist, yummers!!!