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Thursday, January 19, 2006

removal of my rant

i decided to remove my rant against roland's co-worker. i was (and still am) very upset that this jerk is trying to get roland in trouble at work. it is so sad the things this ass keeps doing because he is frustrated with roland. he said many mean and hurtful things to the both of us while roleplaying. twice while roleplaying he got so upset that he stood up yelling, which scared me a lot in the moment. this ass is the reason i had to quit one of the best roleplaying game that i had been a part of , i just couldn't take his outbursts and comments and stress anymore, ESPECIALLY since he never acknowledged them or apologized. and now he is trying to put my husbands job in jeopardy. i really hope this email that he sent to rolands co-workers and supervisors ends up biting him in the ass and gets his job re-evaluated instead.
i really hope someone encourages him to take some anger management classes or at the least get some therapy, he has really gone off the deep end...