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Saturday, March 25, 2006

The Last Week

welp, this has been an interesting week for me...
tuesday my dad had major surgery, so of course i didn't sleep well monday night and had mild anxiety all day tuesday until i found out that the surgery went as planned. well the lack of sleep and anxiety aggrivated the cold i had the week before and caused it to move down into my lungs, so wednesday i didn't feel good, again, and was coughing like crazy, along with the sinus issues i had from before, bleh! but the good news is that dad has made it through the surgery, it went as planned and he is recovering now. he should be going home from the hospital today. i love you dad, and hope you get back to normal quickly :)
tuesday night my brother called to see if i had heard about my dad, and he let me know that his wife was diagnosed with thyroid cancer... which totally SUCKS. but i guess it is 99-100% curable so that is good. i hope her treatments go well with no surprises. (and to my bro and his wife, i love you guys, and let me know if you need anything, can't wait to see you and the little one in May :)
thursday i went to my doctor for my yearly check. since i have lost so much weight and my blood pressure is nice and low she is letting me try to stop the medication i am on for high blood pressure. this week i am to take half the dose and monitor my blood pressure and if that is still in the good range i can try to go without any medication.
i am finally feeling better and my cold is mostly gone, i still have some coughing fits, but they are more dry now, so that is good. i am planning on sleeping as much as possible this weekend so i can be better by next week. i really want to start exercising again, especially since i weighed myself today and i am now down to 184.5 lbs., woo hoo, and thats a total of 27 lbs. lost so far :-)
roland has been busy this morning putting together my new computer. we have totally upgraded our machines so we can play The Elder Scrolls IV Oblivion. i am looking forward to see how well world of warcraft is going to run :) i have 2 gigs of ram now, woo hoo :)
i hope everyone has a great weekend. today i will be playing computer games with my new system and going over to our good friends place to play board games and tomorrow i will be working most of the day.
l8r t8rs!!!!!


Gary said...

Hey, sis. Hope your dad's doing well after his adventure, and I'll keep my finger's crossed for your sis-in-law. Don't stress so much! You're looking great!
