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Saturday, April 01, 2006

It's Official

i LOVE the Laurell K. Hamilton "anita blake" & "meredith gentry" series. about 6 months ago i started reading the anita blake vampire hunter books and just devoured them. i would read for HOURS before bed every night. the more i read the more i just had to find out what happened next. after i finished the anita blake books (there are 13 as of now, the 14th will be out this summer) i moved on to the meredith gentry series (i just finished book 4 in that series, the next one is due out in december). i love this series even more than the anita blake ones, but that is probably because i am on a huge fairy kick lately. these books are soo much fun and have strong female lead characters, which is just really really cool. i can't wait for the next books to come out...

its so hard to wait for the next book in a series to come out. along with the new Laurell K. Hamilton books, i am also waiting for another Diana Gabaldon book to come out, the outlander series is just FANTASTIC. i would also love for Anne Rice to get back to her vampires and witches, but that seems to be unlikely at this point. i would love another Melanie Rawn book, i should re-read her sunrunners series. i look forward to another Holly Black book, her young adult faery books are great.

holy crap, i just checked out anne rice's website cuz i was linking to it for this post and just discovered that lestat the musical is starting on broadway very soon. i sooooo want to go see it.... maybe it will come to chicago soon, maybe i can find a way to convince my dear dear hubby to take me to new york... hmmm....