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Tuesday, April 04, 2006

The Silly Heater

so our heater stopped working this weekend. roland called a company to come out to check it out and, of course, they could not get it working. they were nice enough to loan us 2 portable heaters to get us through the weekend. thankfully it has been warmer, but the house is still to cool to be comfortable without any heat. so yesterday they came back and still couldn't get it working. they convinced roland to get a new system. today i had to get up at the butt-crack of dawn so they could start the install at 8 am, yes that 8!!!! ughhh. so i tried to go to sleep at 2:30 am (which feels like 1:30 cuz of the time change) and normally i go to bed around 3 or 4. well i just couldn't fall asleep, i'm sure i slept some, but didn't really sleep until 7 am or so, and of course the doorbell range at 8am, ugh! so i am working now and looking forward to my nap later :) but the great thing is that there will be heat again in our house, and that will be awesome!