Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Thursday, May 25, 2006

Some Bad News...

Unfortunately Roland was let go from his job at Raven early this week. I firmly believe they set him when they put together his review a month or so ago. They gave him unsatisfactory grades in areas that were out of his control, like he was waiting for art assests from a co-worker, but it was his fault that part of the project was not completed, not the artist who hadn't finished their work. GRRRRRR I say!!!! I'm so pissed Raven, but I was really unhappy in Madison, so I am looking forward to moving somewhere else, where hopefully the winters are not 6 months long. I really hope he can find a job in Austin, but I am open to wherever he can find a good job. It would be cool to get back to southern CA too, especially since we have family and good friends there.
Roland has been working hard at sending his resume out all over the country, so please keep him in your thoughts and prayers to help him find a good job asap :)
I'll let you know when he finds a job!
I'm still on vacation. Currently in North Platte, NE, staying with my brother and his family. Having soooo much fun playing with the little nephew. I'll be posting pictures like crazy when I get back, but please be patient, since I'll be working more than I'm used to, so I may avoid the computer after work hours :)
l8r t8rs!!!


Anonymous said...

Please...oh...please make it to Austin. There is a house for sale just down the block.

Anonymous said...

My condolences to you both. As it happens, my girlfriend and I have been in much the same boat: she got canned a month ago when her radio station changed formats, so now we're moving back to San Diego to look for work.

Good luck with the job hunt -- I'm sure Roland won't have too much trouble with that wherever he goes, but I hope you manage to find something in southern California. It's been too long. ;)

Gary said...

Come back to SoCal, you two. The game table is never too small for you folks.
