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Saturday, June 03, 2006

My Trip Back Home

Well I have finally decided to take some time and upload my pictures from my trip back to Nebraska.

First I went to Lincoln and stayed with my Aunt DiAnne & Uncle Al, and played a lot with my cousins Megan & Jamie.

Here is a picture of their boxers: (from left) Cody, Beau & Dolly.

Here is a picture of me and Jamie.

One of the days we went to the Henry Doorly Zoo in Omaha. I just love zoos, but since I love the San Diego Wild Animal Park even more, because they have their animals out in big enclosures, I tend to get sad at zoos with their small cages :( But it was great fun to visit the zoo again, and see how they have expanded.

Here is a picture of my family in the new desert dome: (from left) DiAnne, Jamie, Ali (Megan's boyfriend) and Megan.

Here is a very cute picture of Ali & Megan.

Here is a picture of me with a giraffee statue, I just LOVE giraffees :) (I have NO idea who that lady is behind me :)

Here are some giraffees.

And you got to LOVE the polar bears, I sure do :)

and sun bears, isn't he cute :)

and I had to take pictures of the meerkats for my friend Gary :)

Another day on the trip we went to visit my Grandmother in Plattsmouth. Here is the Masonic home she lives in, doesn't it look like a really cool European castle???

Me & my Grandma

So when I think about the house my grandparents lived in this is what I think of:

This is the Plattsmouth jail :) My grandpa was sheriff of Cass County for a very long time and when I was little this is where I would go to visit my grandparents. They lived in the brick building to the left and I just loved visiting this home, I really wish I could have gone inside to see it again, but now it is offices and empty space.

Here is my Grandpa Tesch's grave. I just loved this cemetary. We went and bought artificial flowers at Pamida and we sat in the cemetary and created the flower arrangements you see in the picture. It was such a beautiful and serene place. I miss you grandpa!!!

After a week in Lincoln I headed further west to Shelton Nebraska to visit my Aunt Chris and her boys. We had lunch and spent the afternoon at my cousin Jesse's place. It was great to see everyone again, it had been too long. Here is a picture of my Aunt and her grandbaby Callee (Jesse's daughter). She was soo cute and precious.

After the stop in Shelton I continued on that evening to my home town, North Platte, Nebraska. The main reason for this visit was to meet my nephew Dawson. It was sooo great to go back home and he was so much fun to play with. You would think that spending a week with a toddler I would be re-thinking the wanting to have babies of my own, but it actually reinforced my want to raise a family of my own :)

Here are a few pictures of Dawson, my little Brutus :)

Here is a picture of my brother with the new computer that Roland put together for him. That is my old black computer case sitting on the desk :) He is playing "Gun", and has already finished it. I have a feeling he will be spending a lot of time on the computer now that he can play more recent games.

One day while in N.P. we went to take flowers to my mothers grave. It was good to see it again. I miss you mom!!

I hope you enjoyed the pictures of my trip.

l8r t8rs!!!


Anonymous said...

Nice,but where are the tiger pics? Whats the point of going to a zoo if you dont see tigers?