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Monday, August 14, 2006

The Ocean

We decided to have our weekly date night dinner tonight and afterwards I didn't want to go straight back home, so Roland took us for a drive to the beach. We headed east towards the ocean. Its still weird to me that the ocean is now to the east of us and not the west. Growing up in Nebraska, which is smack dab in the middle of the country, I really didn't think much about the oceans direction, west or east, since it was pretty much equally as far in either direction. When I moved to San Diego at 25 that changed my perception and the ocean was always to the west and it was a great place to watch a sunset. Moving to Texas and Wisconsin didn't change that. But moving to New England is forcing me to adjust and think of the ocean, a different ocean, as being to the east now and better for sunrises :)
Anyway we drove east and found a beach in Salisbury, MA. Turns out we now live about 30 miles and about 35-40 minutes away from the ocean. We got there just in time for twilight, my favorite time of day :) We walked out to the beach and I immediately took off my shoes and Roland told me to head out into the water. He doesn't get such a thrill out of visiting the ocean, he grew up in the San Diego area and never really cared for it one way or the other. Well I LOVE the ocean and I headed out to feel the waves on my feet and hear the roar of the water crashing on the sand. The ocean just grounds me sooo much. In regards to the elements I am totally an Earth girl, especially since I am a Virgo. But I am also really drawn to Water. The ocean is the perfect mix of that being in the in between space of where the water is meeting the sand, is just a wonderful place for me :) I also had a great time cuz the sun was setting and it was casting this awesome purple light on the clouds to the west of the beach. I was so happy to experience the violet twilight, obviously a favorite for me, since that is now my online name. :) I had a great time visiting the beach, and look forward to going back. I collected a few rocks and shells and have placed them on my altar.