Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Monday, August 28, 2006


Saturday Roland and I drove over to Salem, MA and went exploring. It was soooo much fun!!!!

We found a parking spot and discovered a Dunkin' Donuts. Now this is not a hard or difficult thing to do here in New England. I am used to Walgreens & Starbucks being on nearly every street corner, but here its Dunkin' Donuts. Wait a few blocks and you'll find another one :) So we stopped in to get some lunch. Roland decided to take a picture and waited for my, come on and take the picture face :)

Next we walked around Pickering Wharf and discovered lots and lots of witchy stores. The first one we went into was "The Cat, The Crow and The Crown" which is owned by Laurie Cabot, famous author and considered the official witch of Salem. It was a fantastic store and I found out that she is will be part of a public ritual for Samhain (or otherwise known as Halloween). I am planning on going back down to Salem for that.

We continued around the area and went to several more stores. I ended up only buying one thing, a book: RitualCraft by Amber K and Azrael Arynn K.
Next we had enough time for one of the many, many witch museums and we decided to go to the Salem Witch Museum. It was an interesting presentation and I was happy with how they protrayed actual witches and pagans.

Finally, on the way out of town we went on an expedition to try to find the statue of Samantha from Bewitched. We drove by it the last time we were down there but we had a more difficult time finding it this time, but just as we were going to give up and go get food we found it.

On the way home we stopped for dinner at the Sylvan Street Grille. I had the most FANTASTIC dinner. I got the roasted vegetable quesadilla and a ceasar salad. The quesadilla was one of the yummiest things that I have ever eaten, yum, yum, YUM!!! :) Can't wait to go back and eat it again :)

Looking forward to going back to Salem during October, should be fun :)