Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Friday, December 29, 2006

Sorry I have not posted much

but I have been busy with work and life :) Plus Roland has been posting the major things lately, which is funny since he hardly posted before, shows how much free time he has right now because he is on vacation this week :)
I haven't lost much weight this last month, but thankfully I haven't gained any since I am still exercising every day. Today we went to Best Buy and Roland FINALLY bought his GPS navagation system for his xmas present. It's really cool and I can't wait to use it when we are trying to find our way around the confusing roads of New England. I also found the new Leslie Sansone DVD I have been wanting for the last few months. It's really cool, it is the 5 mile advanced DVD but also has 3 different 3 mile walks on it. 2 miles walks are now to easy for me, so I have been in real need of the 3 mile ones. In two days I went from one 3 mile workouts to five of them, lol. Since xmas has passed I am now buckling down on the diet again, so I should be losing more weight soon, but I have gotten quite a few muscles with all the exercise, I actually have biceps that are muscles now!!! lol
Yule and Xmas were good. I got my present really early, my 80 gig iPod, so no presents for me, but the parents sent us some money, which we used for the GPS system, my new DVD and I will be getting the World of Warcarft Collectors Edition expansion next month :)
Hope you are doing well this holiday season!!
L8R T8R's!!!!