Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

And we are moving to....

Virginia. Roland has finally completed his job search and will be accepting a job at EA/Mythic. This will be a great job opportunity for him. I am a little bummed because I didn't really want to move to the greater DC area, but I guess I'll just have to deal, lol. I don't really have any other details right now. We will probably move down there mid to late March.
The pregnancy is still going well. Last week I was put on some antibiotics, and those were really tough on me the first few days, but happily I only have to take them through tomorrow. Still no morning sickness, just some boughts of nausea on occasion.
L8R T8RS!!!


Pixie Mama said...

I will say that it's a very beautiful area of the country! We will have to make a visit when your little baby arrives!

Anonymous said...

Virginia, huh? Bummer. I was still hoping for Carlsbad :)

Glad to hear that a job has been found, however - and that all is well with Baby N so far.

Miss you!