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Thursday, April 05, 2007

Prenatal Yoga

Today I tried prenatal yoga for the first time and it was AWESOME!!! Recently I purchased Shiva Rea's Prenatal Yoga dvd and today was the first time I had a chance to try it out. I think it will really help keep me loose and strong as the pregnancy progresses. My goal is to walk 30 minutes minimum one day and the next day do the prenatal yoga. This was the first yoga dvd that was over 30 minutes long (it is about 50 minutes for the workout) and I was able to finish the whole thing without any problems :)


Anonymous said...

wow, that's great! good luck with it! i did he 30 minute walking thing which got harder and harder and around 8 months pregnant EVERYTHING felt like a workout LOL

i'm sure this is gonna help make your labor much easier and it'll keep you and your baby healthy. i'm proud of you!

Pixie Mama said...

Yoga during pregnancy always made me feel so wonderful!!!