Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Monday, June 11, 2007

Weekend Happenings

Sorry I haven't been posting much lately... I'll have to work on that :)

Friday night was spent playing Warhammer Online with Roland :)

Saturday Roland's mommy came to visit and help set up the nursery for Drake. We went crazy buying stuff at Babies R Us, but we got some really good deals. I feel soo much better now that I have some of the stuff we will need once Drake gets here. The only downside was that most of the furniture we wanted was out of stock and need to be ordered (the crib, armoir and glider). But the good news is that it is still early so hopefully they will get back in stock before Drake arrives.
Sunday night the 3 of us played Clue and Roland won both games, darn him! hehe :)