Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Sunday, July 01, 2007

Busy Sunday

Roland has put together my new glider for Drake's nursery, isn't it nice :)

Look! Drake's crib finally came in and Roland has put it together :)

Today was a busy day. We decided to go to Mount Vernon, George Washington's home. It was beautiful. Thankfully it was a really nice day for wandering around the estate and view the many exhibits.

Here is a picture of me in front of the mansion.

Here is a picture of Roland in front of the mansion.

A closer view of the mansion.

Here is a picture at the same point as the previous one of the bowling green in front of the mansion.

Here is a view of the Potomac River from the back side of the mansion.

The final excitement of the evening was that Roland discovered that we had a BEAVER in our garage. He had previously thought it was a mouse and bought a trap to try and catch it cuz it was tearing into our boxes out there. Well tonight he comes in and says, hey that mouse trap won't work, cuz I just saw it and its a beaver! Wowzers. I suggested called the humane society so someone could come out, trap it and hopefully move it to somewhere away from town. Well of course they are closed tonight and said they would send out an officer to help get it out of our garage. Well apparently it is pretty quite in Manassas this Sunday evening cuz 3 cop cars came out to help with the "situation". They were really nice and managed to get the beaver to run out of our garage. Roland is much happier now that the beaver is outta our garage and no longer wrecking havoc, like chewing through his electric mower and many boxes.


Anonymous said...

What a cute little mama to be. And keep that man working. Lots to do before the fun begins.

Anonymous said...

A BEAVER??? Where in the heck did you move?! I thought it was bad when we had a baby possum in our dining room...but a beaver beats that hands-down. :)