Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Busy Weekend

Well I had a crazy busy weekend. Last Wednesday Roland's parents came into town to visit and for the baby shower held on Saturday. Friday I had a doctor's appointment and had a non-stress test. During the test they discovered I was having contractions. I had NO idea and didn't feel a thing. The doctor checked me and thankfully I was not dilated at all, but she decided to send me over to the hospital to be admitted into the Labor and Delivery ward. When I got there the place was packed and they put me in the kitchen, yes the KITCHEN!! to wait for a room, lol. After about 15-20 minutes they had a room ready and they hooked me up to the fetal / contractions monitor and started giving me fluids. The fluids helped with the contractions but they did not go away. They followed the fluids up with 3 shots to stop the contractions. All of this helped, but the contractions did not go away completely. After a few hours the doctor on call decided to release me and I was to go home and be on bedrest and drink lots of fluids until I could get an appointment with a doctor on Monday or Tuesday. That night our good friend from Austin arrived and ended up having to help clean up the house for the baby shower on Saturday. Yes I will admit it, I was happy that I didn't have to clean, but I feel really bad that everyone else had to do the work instead.
Saturday was the baby shower. It was fantastic and thanks to everyone who could make it or sent in presents from across the county. All the gifts are greatly appreciated and there will be a post coming soon with pictures and details.
After the shower we drove up to DC and looked at the sites. It was pretty cool to see all the monuments and buildings at night. I stayed in the car unless I had to go potty :)
Sunday I did a full day of bed rest and camped out in the bedroom. I watched tv and took a nap with Roland, which was really nice.
Monday I went back to the doctor and found out that everything is just fine. No more contractions and Drake is doing wonderfully. They checked me again and I am still not dilated, which is great.
So no worries, Drake and I are great and taking it easy. 5 more weeks to go until his due date...


Pixie Mama said...

I had contractions and several trips to the hospital to be monitored starting at 28 weeks with Zionna. She was 11 days past her due date when finally born! Don't worry... your body is just practicing for the big day! Drink lots of water, lay on your left side, and take it easy! (I'm sure they told ya all that though)