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Thursday, September 29, 2005

The Exorcism of Emily Rose

roland and i went to see "The Exorcism of Emily Rose" for our date night movie. i really enjoyed this movie. now being pagan i don't believe in "satan" but i do believe in spirits and bad spirits that may try to possess someone. i found this movie fascinating how one side tried to say it was because of a demond possession, and the other side said that it was because she was a schizephrenic epiliptic. if you are interested in possessions and exorcisms go see this movie.
i really liked the part where the female anthropologist doctor said that the drugs inhibited emily from going through the exorcism experience and therefore was unable to rid herself of the demon. she didn't say that the exorcism would have solved the problem, just that emily's brain needed the experience of the exorcism ritual in order to do it - wow what an idea....