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Sunday, October 09, 2005

back from vacation

i am back from vegas. my friends wedding was wonderful. the dress was gorgeous! she looked so beautiful. i was the "best person", hehe :) it was a fun trip and i loved catching up and hanging out with my dear friend. it was weird to be traveling without roland, but it was nice to miss him to :) makes you realize how much you enjoy hanging out with someone you love when you are away from them for several days.
i won $100+ from one slot, that was cool.
went to see the tournament show at excalibur, it was fun, but cheesy. but the knight we were rooting for was really, really HOT :)
got to eat in & out burger, twice! i missed that place a lot. hadn't had it in over 2 years, so it was yummers.
had krispy kreme donuts too. there isn't one near here in madison, so i haven't had those since last winter in dallas.
glad to be back home. i missed my bed and my hubby.
it is nice and cool here now. i LOVE fall :)