Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Monday, October 17, 2005

Colds SUCK!!!!

i have been sick, sick, sick!!
i got back from vegas and roland had a sore throat, which quickly turned into a cold. i thought i was doing good until late tuesday night i started to get a sore throat, bleh. i woke the next day with a horrible cold. i couldn't think, or do much more than watch tv wednesday through friday. last saturday i woke up and was able to actually think and do more than veg on the couch. i could once again play world of warcraft, hehe. i was still very congested, but i could once again play my drug of choice. sunday i actually left the house to get some lunch and look at the leaves changing colors. very pretty. mostly yellow, but love the few trees with red leaves. looking forward to watching them continue to change colors over the next few weeks. its so weird that halloween (or samhain, as we witchs call it) is 2 weeks away. i haven't even had a chance to decorate, with the trip to vegas and the sickness...
tonight is the full moon, the blood moon. i am going to have to remember to go outside at some point and bath in it's beauty. i wish i was up to a full ritual, but i'll just have to wait until next month.
well i am slowly getting better, but still really, really congested... i hope i can go to the supers game on wednesday... it won't be fair to the other players for me to be there if i am still this congested and blowing my nose :O) gross... i wouldn't like it if i wasn't sick...
oh btw, twlight is now level 54, woo hoo. and i just created a new night elf druid, emaleth, level 5 now, that i am going to play some right now. (yes more world of warcraft talk :O)


Roland said...

What, no mention of my game coming out? How rude! :)