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Saturday, December 24, 2005

Christmas Lights in Madison

yes you read that correctly, christmas lights on personal homes in Madison, totally BLOW! i was soo disappointed. my favorite thing during the holiday season is to go look at christmas lights on christmas eve. this is something that my dad used to do with us every year and now roland and i do the same. it is the one thing that i have always liked during this season, even when i was anti-holidays because of working retail and after the death of several family members at the beginning of december.
so tonight after dinner, roland and i decided to drive around for the annual viewing pleasure. we went to some ritzy areas, and some areas downtown, and the lights SUCKED. most houses didn't even have lights, and 25% of the houses with lights were just lame. i was so sad. the only bright spot was that there is a park downtown by the lakes that had a really nice free light display. we drove through that and was pleasantly surprised.
next year we will have to make sure to put up some really pretty lights on our house to help fix this sucky light issue here in madison. :O)


Zionna said...

Boo :( Show Madison how Christmas lights should be!