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Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Happy New Year

hello everyone! just thought i would make a quick post to wish everyone a happy new year.
have you made any interesting resolutions for this year? i have decided my main resolution will be to stay with the Weight Watchers diet until i get pregnant :) looking forward to either outcome, losing weight and being more healthy or welcoming a new member of the family (of course i would prefer the new family member, and who wouldn't?? :O)
things are good with the diet. so far i have lost 9 lbs and i am in the 5th week of the program. i am still able to eat mcdonalds, just not so much as before and not so much for the rest of the day. the things i really miss are dr. pepper and ranch dressing. but diet soda isn't so bad, and i can just use ketchup instead of the ranch ;)
Make this your best year yet!!!!!