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Sunday, December 18, 2005

A New Hobby

well i have decided to take on a new hobby... knitting! i decided to start knitting again because it is soooo freaking cold here and i could use some more scarves, and eventually i could make hats and sweaters too :) i thought it would be really cool to make my own.
i remember that i learned to knit during grade school in 4H. i also remember how my mom used to have a bag of knitting by her chair. but that was a long time ago. we went to Michael's and bought a beginners kit to help me remember how. the kit is: Knitting by Anne Akers Johnson, part of the KLUTZ series. its a really cool how to book and is easy to learn from. i have done some practice knitting and now on my first project, a pocket purse. it's more fun than i remembered. i look forward to making some cool scarves (eventually). i'll have to remember to post some pics once i get it done :)