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Sunday, December 18, 2005

Snow Thrower

well as i predicted roland broke down thursday night and bought a snow thrower :O) i was telling people a few months ago that i would bet, and win the bet, that by the end of this winter he would tire of scooping the snow off of the driveway and sidewalk. the only thing that surprised me was how quickly he broke down and got one :O) i will admit that he was sick this week and found scooping very tiring, and don't blame him for getting one. and no i will NOT scoop snow! it was not part of the agreement for moving to WI. roland got the job here, not me :O) heck the last time i choose to move somewhere it was to san diego, where i didn't have to deal with snow or winter any more. i just happened to find and marry a native san diegan who decided to go to school and get a job far, far away from san diego, with more winter than i grew up with in NE. go figure.... good thing i love the guy and thought it would be good for him to have his dream job of making video game.