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Friday, February 17, 2006

Happy Birthday & Snow Day

first of all, today is my wonderful hubby's birthday. he turned 35 today, HAPPY BIRTHDAY BABY, and i am sorry i didn't get a message up saying so earlier, but heck you kept me busy with the friends marathon tonight. we went to dinner with good friends and their daughter at tony romas, rolands favorite place for dessert, brownie skillet sundae. when we got home, he couldn't decide what to do, so we ended up watching like 3 1/2 hours of friends episodes from season 4. so i am just now getting around to reading emails, checking blogs and updating my own blog.
last night around 9 or 10 pm it started snowing, a lot. this morning i was woken up by THUNDER, yes apparently thunder snow came through the area with lightening and thunder, i heard 2 really loud thunder booms, it was cool, cuz i knew it was still snowing out. i got up and there was a shit ton of snow outside. i let the doggies out and their bellies were touching the snow, and we don't have little doggies, we have a lab and a german shepard. i don't think i have ever seen this much snow at once. it is definitely the most snow in one day that we have gotten while in wisconsin. i guess this is the first time in 5 years that the madison school district cancelled school and the first time since 1992 that the university of wisconsin cancelled classes, wow, must be a big storm for the area. rolands work even let him have a day off, but he decided to stay at work and get some stuff done, ON HIS BIRTHDAY, he is so weird (oh check out his brand new blog, the link is in favorite blogs). i did a measurement later in the day, at one spot there was 9" and at another there was 7", thats a lot of snow!!!!! as you can see from the following pictures. poor lily, the xterra, is completely covered in a blanket of snow and i won't be able to drive her until the snow melts, plus i don't really feel like trying to get all that snow off of her.

here is a view of our back deck fence, showing how much snow accumulated there.