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Tuesday, February 07, 2006

My New Monitor

woo hoo got a new monitor tonight :) i just LOVE it. its a dell E196FP, 19" flat panel monitor, and its fantastic!!!! i am able to push the monitor to the back edge of my desk and i no longer feel like its too close to me, i always felt with my old monitor that it was too close and taking up to much space. now that old monitor will always hold a special place in my heart, cuz my hubby got that for me the first christmas we were together, so i will miss it, but this new monitor is THE BOMB!!! :) i was able to get this brand new, awesome, monitor because i finally had my review at work and got back pay from last july, yes thats last JULY!!! i finally got my review mid-january, sheesh.... but i can't complain, cuz i came out with a nice raise and a nice amount of back pay, enough to get a great monitor.
l8r t8rs!!!