Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Thursday, February 09, 2006


yeah its snowing again :) ok so it was a pain earlier. went to my weight watchers meeting (only lost .2 lbs.) and stopped at walgreens for my blood pressure medicine and some valentines things for roland. after that i called roland to meet him somewhere for dinner. we decided on chilis and when i started to drive over there from walgreens i noticed it was starting to snow. we ate at chilis (i had half a turkey sandwhich, fries and cup of broccoli cheese soup, if you were wondering, and it was yummy :) and it continued to snow. well my vehicle, lily the xterra does NOT have front wheel drive, it is actually rear wheel drive, which means that it is incapable of driving in snow. at the end of dinner i got a mild bloody nose, but it wasnt' stopping, so i had to drive in slick conditions and deal with my nose, ugghhh (good thing i had lots of kleenex in my purse). so i drove home, with roland following in his all wheel vehicle, stan the buick randevous, with a bloody nose, slipping and sliding everywhere. i tried to take it slow and only really skidded around a bit when i was trying to merge and speed up (apparently a bad idea in slick weather :). thankfully there was not much traffic and i made it home safe and sound and the nose stopped having issues soon afterwards.
now for something completely different: yesterday i got my amy brown faery wisdom deck. its super cool, i love having the deck with all my favorite amy brown faery images. :