Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Sunday, March 05, 2006

its been a while

i know i haven't posted in a while, but i just haven't known what to say :) so here is a quick breakdown of what has happened in my life lately.
last monday roland and i went to see "the family stone", which was really good. i am glad we were able to see it in the theaters. i cried... (THE REST OF THIS SENTENCE IS A MOVIE SPOILER) but thats what happens when i watch movies with mommies that get cancer and die... its just something i can't help, i just cry. (miss you mom!)
tuesday was the gurps game that roland runs. i am frustrated with the game so i think i will have to change my character. i really like the concept of my current character, but its just not working. and i am really happy that our friend damien joined the game :) so i want to find a character that will work with everyone else.
wednesday... hmm i worked all day...
thursday... same thing, worked all day
friday, i got an instant message from my dear, dear friend olivia, so we spent a while catching up, i miss her whole bunches. i miss all my friends that are not in wisconsin whole bunches, but i especially miss my livvy liv. i love you girl :)
friday night, we went to kevin and angelas for the in nomine game. we were up really really late, so i didn't get much sleep last night.
today, worked a while, did laundry, ran the dishwasher, played dungeons and dragons online, went to dinner with kevin and angela, had really yummy pie, mmmmm PIE!!! i haven't had pie in a quite a while, so i just had to have a piece, so i ignored the diet tonight :) we played card games after dinner. now, well duh, i am writing in my blog, hehe, and next i will be playing world of warcraft.
(i feel like i am writing in my journal, every night when i go to bed i write in my journal what happened for the day. i have been able to keep this up consistently for over a year now, which is the longest i have been able to do that :)
so i hope everyone is well, and didn't fall asleep while reading about my sorta boring week.
l8r t8rs!