Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Thursday, April 20, 2006

30 Pounds!!!

Welp, today it's official, I have lost 30 lbs. :) I feel so great from this weight loss. I have so much more energy and exercising is not as much of a chore as it used to be. Yesterday I did some belly dancing and now that the weather is nicer I have been walking the dogs around the neighborhood. Yoga is much easier to do now to.
Overall the Weight Watchers program is really easy to use and follow. Yes, there have been some bad days, and over-eating on holidays or special days, but even with that I have managed to lose 30 lbs. since I started the program on December 1st. I do remember weighing myself when we still lived in Texas and the scale said 218 lbs., so if we use that as the start weight, than I have lost 36.5 lbs. That's just amazing. I have never really tried a "diet" before, and I'm not thinking of this one as a diet either. I am trying to focus on it being a lifetime change in food habits, and thankfully this program is an easy habit to follow and one I can actually do the rest of my life.
Anyway, I just wanted to share my joy. I really need to get new jeans soon.... hehe :)


Anonymous said...

Congrats!!!! You're an inspiration.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations babykins!
I am very proud of you.
Someday we'll buy you new (smaller sized) jeans :)

Anonymous said...

Karen, you are such an inspiration!! You look great-from what I can tell :) Glad to see you are doing so well. We miss you here in Dallas!

Violet Twilight said...

Thanks for all the great words of encouragement, they mean a lot!