Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Monday, April 17, 2006

Happy Easter

Happy Easter everyone! I hope you had a great time with family and/or friends. Roland and I have had a very busy weekend. Yesterday we had friends over for a BBQ. It was yummy, as is any meal that includes corn on the cob, what can I say, I really am a Cornhusker :) This evening we went over to our dear friends house and had a wonderful and totally yummy dinner. I made green bean casserole (yes, I can cook once in a while, even though I don't really enjoy it), and Dianne provided chicken ka-bobs, brown rice, mac & cheese & salad; dessert was brownies & ice cream. It was eclectic and super yummy! One of the best meals, especially a home-made one, that I have had in a long time. We played with their daughter. She managed to win both rounds of Candyland :) She showed me her pet in World of Warcraft and gave me a tour of her room, hehe, it was a lot of fun. After she went to bed we finished the evening by watching tonights episode of Desperate Housewives. It was a nice ending for a fairly social weekend. Unfortunately its back to work tomorrow, ughh... oh well I can't really complain, since I work at home and get to watch soap operas and talk shows all day long, oh and I can work in my pj's :)
l8r t8rs!


Anonymous said...

We totally had fun too. Crazy weekend all around. It took awhile for Jillian to come around, but in the end, she asked that you read her stories - an excellent sign.