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Monday, June 12, 2006

It's Official!!!

We are moving to the Boston area!!!
Roland accepted the job at Mad Doc Software in Andover, MA. He will be driving out there later this week, to get set up in temporary housing, start the job and look for housing for all of us. I will be staying in Madison until he finds us housing or the house here is sold, whichever comes first.
Yeah, he has a job!!! :) I'm so proud of him.


Bricriu Nemthenga said...

Damn, that was quick! I've spent a month searching for an apartment in the same state and still have nothing to show for it. Congratulations! :)

Gary said...

I hate to bring this up, but BOSTON is further away from California, not closer.

Violet Twilight said...

but we are trying to get back to CA, we just keep going the wrong way :)

its too bad that Rockstar (which is in san diego) didn't call roland for an interview until he accepted the job in boston... oh well, maybe next time.