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Thursday, June 22, 2006

An Amusing Movie

I watched a really amusing movie tonight on UPN, called, "My Date with Drew". It was really cute. This guy was crushing so hard on Drew Barrymore and he really did so much to try and meet her and get a date with her. It started out kinda silly and weird at first, but I just totally understood where this guy was coming from, I mean who out there hasn't had a crush on one or more celebrities and would just LOVE to meet them and hang out. Anyway if you want to see a cute "reality" movie about a guy trying to get a date with his celebrity crush you should check this movie out :)
In other news I have been watching old episodes of Friends lately, since my cable has gone away, I hope to get it back once we are in Boston. I have been watching it so much that I am dreaming about Chandler, yes I can admit that I LOVE him :) and yes I know he isn't a real person, but I can have my fantasies, right???? I am trying to get through all my dvd's so I can see the episodes with the extra stuff and all the cool special features they have added. I am in Season 6 now. I had no idea that Chandler and Monica were a couple for more than half of the show. I just figured it was the last few seasons, but they hooked up at the very end of season 4, so they were together for 6 whole seasons, wowzers!
I miss Roland, he left last Thursday evening to go out to Boston and find us a place to live :( But the good news is that he found a few houses to rent and he is going to contact one of them tomorrow to see if we can move in, sounds promising but I don't want to jinx it by going into detail. Once we have an official home and a move in date I will let everyone know.
l8r t8rs!!