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Sunday, August 06, 2006

I Am Now A...

vegetarian :)
I have been a wanna-be vegetarian for a very, very long time, but never acted on it. Well on August 1st I decided to take the plunge and stop eating meat. I am super excited about this new adventure. I just finished reading "Eat More, Weigh Less" by Dean Ornish, M.D. It advocates a low-fat vegetarian diet. I am mainly focusing right now on not eating meat, and trying to eat low-fat as much as possible. At this point I am still eating dairy (eggs, cheese, milk, etc.) I have made the decision to become vegetarian for several reasons. I have always hated the thought of eating an animal, especially when they are probably treated inhumanly during their lifetime and during the slaughter process. I am scared about the nasty diseases that can be found in meat. And finally, I really want to eat healthier and make my body happier. Roland is happy cuz I will be cooking and eating food at home more often, hehe.