Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Friday, September 29, 2006

Good Morning!

I mean good afternoon!!! :) I am feeling really good today. This exercise thing is making me feel soo good. I am sleeping better, my hip isn't aching like it does normally and overall I just feel good. I am glad that I have decided to get myself motivated to walk everyday and joining the walk club has really helped. I just LOVE the weight loss ticker I have added to the top of my blog. It gives me such motivation, to see that I am over half way to my goal. I may only go down a pound or two a week, but eventually I'll get there, I just have to keep trying.
Have a great day!!!



you go girl! wow! you have a lot to be proud of. remember,
slow and steady wins the race...

keep it up!
