Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Sunday, October 01, 2006

Weekend Report :)

Friday was spent hanging out with friends. We went to dinner at the Rainforest Cafe, yummers, and walked around the mall the restaurant was at and looked in at different stores. Roland bought some star wars transformers he just loves, so if you want his report on that go over here. Saturday was spent chilling out and mostly watching BattleStar Galactica. We watched 4 episodes in a row ;) We are trying to get all caught up before Season 3 starts next Friday. We won't quite make it, but close. We have 2 more discs from Season 2.5 to watch. They should get here from Netflix on Tuesday or Wednesday. Today (Sunday) we went driving all around in the rain to find used book stores and gaming stores. I really miss Half Price Books, so we were trying to find a used book store out here that might compare. We found one nearby that wasn't bad, but they mainly focus on paperbacks, but the good thing about that is that I found a book I wanted that was in hardback that they were trying to get rid of so I got if for $1, wowzers thats an awesome price for a hardback book. Unfortunately we were not able to find a good gaming store. Roland is going to have to email people at work for a recommendation. I enjoyed the drive around the area, but it was raining the whole day, so it made navigation and driving kinda difficult. We had linner (thats lunch/dinner) at one of my favorite restaurants, Sylvan Street Grille, so I was really happy about that :) Especially since we left the house so quickly I was not able to get some lunch before we left. When we got home I was able to get some quality World of Warcraft time in. I haven't been able to play very much lately, cuz I have been working full time, doing data entry, so I really want to get off the computer and out of my office when I get the hours done for the day. My day will finish in typical Violet style, watching tv. We just finished watching Desperate Housewives, and I will be watching Brothers & Sisters and various other tivo'd shows I finish checking the regular blogs and my email.
I hope you had a great weekend! Next weekend we hope to go driving around the area and looking at the pretty trees changing colors, should be beautiful!!!!
L8R T8R's!!!!