Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Monday, October 30, 2006

Salem, Mass.

Yesterday we went to Salem Mass with some friends. It was lots of fun, as usual. The main downside was that it was very, very windy and cool, which made it feel cold. Thankfully I remembered to bring my hat and gloves so my ears and hands didn't get to cold :)
We got down there mid-afternoon and we stopped at a place called Red's for lunch. After that we wandered around to different shops. Of course there were all kinds of people down there, and a good deal of them were dressed up and alot of those had witches hats on, hehe.

I found this really cool goth fairy porcelain doll with wings.

The picture doesn't show how neat her hair is. It is a cool purple color with metallic strands.

The main part of our Salem adventure was the Ghost and Vampire Walking Tour by Spellbound Tours. It was lots of fun. My only complaints are that there were waaaayyyy to many people and it was so cold. Roland and I have agreed to go back on the tour when it is warm and not Halloween season :) I took lots of pictures, but unfortunately did not capture andy ghosts or orbs, maybe next time. We did find out that the House of Seven Gables is haunted so we plan to go on a tour there and look for ghosts. Apparently the Seven Gables people don't tell tours that the place is haunted, so I'm glad we found out from this tour that it is. We also found out that one of the stops on the tour is going to be on an episode of Ghost Hunters this year. Apparently it has lots of poltergeist activity, mainly glasses levitating and being thrown. So the tour was fun, but don't go the weekend before Halloween, too many people and the weather can be chilly :)

I can't wait to go back to Salem and go on other ghost tours and go to more museums and historical sites. I still really want to move there, but we would have to find a house with our requirements and Roland has to agree to the commute. Unfortunately Salem has lots of traffic all the time and it can be stop and go to get in or out of the town.