Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Monday, November 13, 2006

Celtics Game

Roland was offered free tickets to go to the Boston Celtics / Orlando Magic game tonight. I hadn't been to a NBA game before so I jumped at the opportunity. We drove down to Boston, in the rain to see the game. Of course Roland did not want to pay the super duper expensive parking at the stadium, so he drove around and proceeded to get us very lost. And where was our map of Boston?? In the other car, of course :) During the scenic route back to the stadium we drove by Fenway Park & Cheers, hehe. Finally he stopped and asked for directions and we made it back to the stadium about an hour after we found it the first time. Thankfully he succumbed to wifely pressure and just parked in the super duper expensive parking garage, under the stadium (Which I thought was a really cool idea. The also have the tram stop there to, so we will try that mode of transportation next time).
The game was in the second quarter by the time we got to our seats. It was a good game, unfortunately the Magic were ahead, barely, for most of it. The Celtics got ahead in the last few moments, but once again the Magic got some baskets and beat us, 92 to 89 ;( I really enjoyed the game and look forward to going back to the stadium to see the Boston Bruins play sometime, I just LOVE hockey :)

Here is a really bad phone picture of the court from our seats.