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Saturday, January 06, 2007

Super Size Me

Roland and I just finished watching the movie Super Size Me. I thought it was really, really good. If you eat fast food on a regular basis, especially McDonalds, you really should watch this movie and see what a diet of just this food does to a super healthy person, it really is amazing. I had avoided watching this movie in the past because I did eat a lot of fast food and I was afraid to know the details. Now I am happy that Roland and I don't eat fast food very much at all anymore. Yes, we still eat out almost every night, but not at typical fast food places, and we are making much more healthy choices now. This movie makes me want to take a vegetarian cooking class and learn how to cook and prepare good vegetarian meals, so I don't have to have such a high fat, high sugar diet because of the processed foods that we do eat.
I was super happy this morning to weigh 166 lbs., I have been able to lose over 2 lbs. this week, woo hoo :)