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Thursday, January 18, 2007

Bad News / Good News

So Roland and I have some really bad news and some really good news.

The bad news? Well Roland was laid off of his job on Wednesday, and now has to find a new job. The worse part is that we still haven't sold our house in WI. So the main thing I am worried about is paying mortgage, rent and than if we have to move, paying for a 3rd place.

The good news? We found out Saturday that we are pregnant. We are super happy and have been waiting for this miracle for years. I am doing everything I can to stay calm and non-stressed. My health is the most important thing right now. I will work 40 hour weeks if I can, but if I don't feel good I will make sure to rest and relax.

Please send de-stressing vibes my way and good job vibes Roland's way.


dash said...


I'm so happy for you and Roland!

Can't wait to hear more good news... and soon!

Gary said...

I don't know if I should laugh or cry! Congrats on the rugrat: I know you've been wanting children for a long, long time. Still, Roland's predicament is stinky, and I pray he finds something soon.

One thing I suggest, at least while you're pregnant: eat meat. Babies love the protien. You can go back to your godless vegetarian ways nine months from now!


Olivia Pettijohn said...

Oh, I'm so thrilled for you guys! Huggles and squeals and delight, oh my!!!

I second the stinky-predicament-rescinding hopes too.

Anonymous said...

HOLY crap. I am procrastinating and decided to see what's been going on in your life...and boy am I glad I checked!!

It's like something is in the water lately - or have we just reached THAT age? :)

CONGRATS (and good luck for that stinky predicament part).

I want to TALK to you on the PHONE (ok - I want to talk to you in PERSON- but I'll settle for the phone.) Is the 608 area code number still the right one?