Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Monday, February 26, 2007

There IS a Baby in There

Went to the doctor's this afternoon and I got to hear the baby's heartbeat!!! :) It was soo awesome to actually hear the heartbeat. The only downside was that Roland was not able to be there to hear it because he is down in Virginia looking for a place for us to live. Sorry baby, I didn't realize that they would be checking for the heartbeat during this appointment.


Pixie Mama said...

Just wait until you start feeling kicks! It gets more exciting every day.

Anonymous said...

Awww, that's so awesome you heard its heartbeat!!! Isn't it amazing? It makes everything so real, ya know? When I first heard Jacob's I'm like "is it supposed to be that fast? he's not, like, having a panic attack is he???"

I'm so excited for you!!! I hope that baby starts kicking soon. It's such a great feeling (which I mistook for gas for about a week LOL) that only you can experience. It was when I first started to feel like a mommy *tear*