Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Common Question of Late

Lately people have been telling me that they were usure when and how late they could call to chat, so I decided to give you guys a heads up of my normal hours. Usually I don't go to bed until 2 am or later and tend to get outta bed around 12 noon - 1 pmish. (Normally I don't actually lay down to go to sleep until 3 am). Also I only have the cell phone and I leave that in my office while I am sleeping, so feel free to call whenever and leave a message, it won't wake me up and I'll call you back. Yeah so I am sleeping like 9 - 10 hours a night, but come on, I'm pregnant and getting all the sleep I can now, cuz once the little one is here my long nights of sleep will be all gone. I try not to think about it to much, cuz I really LOVE my sleep, but somehow I'll figure out how to get by on much less sleep than I do now.
L8R T8RS!!!!


Anonymous said...

don't worry, i'm just like you...i LOVE my sleep and am a total night owl. when jacob got here, sleep was almost non-existent and it got tough and i was always exhausted and i did YEARN for just ONE FULL NIGHT OF SLEEP!!! but holding your little baby bundle in your arms, so innocent and helpless and just doesn't seem to matter how tired you are. i still miss sleep as i knew it, but one little smile from my little man and i'm good to go :)

you're gonna be fine, sleep or no sleep, but yes, get all the sleep you can now!!! even in your 9th month (before the baby even gets here) it'll be tough to get comfy and actually sleep cuz the baby will probably be awake (and moving!) when you're least active, your daily movements lulling it to sleep and your back will ache and blah blah blah...

but it's all worth it...every miserable second! LOL