Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Saturday, March 17, 2007

Happy St. Patty's Day

Sorry I haven't been blogging that much lately, but nothing that exciting has been going on. I am still slowly unpacking. I think I have all my books out, now I have to organized them on the shelves, and thats quite the project. Roland found my missing altar items in 2 plastic containers so I was really happy to know they were not lost.
This morning I convinced Roland to drive me to Krispy Kreme, yeah its like 30 miles away, but hell they are sooo worth it. You should check out his blog for his version of the story. Yeah I have only had one or two of the donuts, but now I have lots to enjoy this evening and tomorrow. Damn, I LOVE krispy kreme donuts. I haven't had once since I went to a friends wedding in Vegas a year and a half ago.
I am now starting the 2nd trimester of the pregnancy. I need to choose a doctor here in the area, Roland just got my the link to find out who I can go see. My next appointment should be in a few weeks, so I need to call for an appointment on Monday. I just hope I can find someone I like that is nearby. Happily there is a hospital just down the road from here, so that is good, we won't have to drive to fairfax or farther for a hospital.


Anonymous said...

hey mommy-to-be! so how is the doctor search going? i hope you find someone good out there! and when do you find out the sex? ARE you finding out the sex? i had to know. i wanted to buy very gender-specific things. you can only stand so much yellow, ya know? :)

and careful with those krispy kremes! i gained SEVENTY pounds when i got pregnant (and it's still there, grr...). i fell into the "oh i'm eating for two, i'm pregnant and can eat what i want" trap and i'm paying the price now.

though those donuts are pretty dang irresistible...