Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Saturday, March 10, 2007

Safe and Sound

We have arrived in Virginia safe and sound. It was a very, very long overnight trip, with little sleep, but we made it late Thursday morning. We were able to get into the house late afternoon on Thursday. I LOVE our new home. It is nice and big. I get to have a HUGE office, which will be good when the little one comes along and I try to work and watch the baby at the same time. Roland is going to use the very large front room as his office / media center. I promise I will get some images posted of the outside of the house soon, and will put up pics of the inside once we unpack, which will probably take a while. The other good news is that the movers arrived Friday morning with all of our crap, so we can actually unpack this weekend if we wanted to. We are soo used to moving and having to wait for a week or more for the movers to show up, so them showing up the day after we arrived was a pleasant surprise. Happily we were also able to get the internet up and running Friday night also.