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Saturday, March 03, 2007

On the Road Again

Well after 8 happy months in New England we will be moving down to Virginia this week. Roland will be spending the next few days finishing up the packing. The movers arrive on Tuesday to pick up all of our crap. Happily Roland will be taking care of the movers and making sure they take the correct stuff. I will be working while they are here so I can get as many hours in I can this next week. Roland will be cleaning the house on Wednesday, while I work again. Wednesday evening we will pack up the stuff we are taking with us and craming ourselves into the car. We will make the drive down to VA overnight and hopefully it will be uneventful and I won't have any nausea. We will get the keys to our new place in Virginia on Thursday. If you did not get the email with our new address in it, please let me know and I'll get it to you.
Have a great weekend!!!