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Friday, April 13, 2007

Got a Hair Cut

Today I finally got my hair cut. I have been needing a trim for quite a while now, but have been avoiding it because we were broke. Now that Roland is working I decided I could finally get my trim. After thinking about it I decided that I should just chop it off and donate it to Locks of Love. That meant cutting off 10 inches of hair, yes 10 INCHES. (You can get a sense of how long it used to be by looking at my profile picture.)

Here is a picture of it from behind with me showing how long it used to be :)

I really like my new hair cut, it is soo much easier to brush and will require a lot less shampoo and conditioner ;)


Pixie Mama said...

It looks really cute...and once the baby arrives that long hair you did have would have been just in the way and yanked on!
Very cool of you to donate as well!

Anonymous said...

I think you look GREAT! Although the baby face definitely shows more with short hair - people are going to be wondering about that pregnant high school girl! (jk, but you do look younger).

Btw, when do you get to find out the sex of that baby?

Anonymous said...

oh my gosh i did the same thing!!! i got a hair cut about 4 months in and got rid of all my dead and split ends. but you know what is so GREAT? the pre-natal vitamins make your hair and nails grow all strong and fast, so by the time you give birth, your hair will have grown back probably halfway.

my hair now is TOO long and it's all healthy thanks to my pre-baby haircut. gotta love those pre-natal vitamins!