Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

I Can Relate....


Anonymous said...

ugh, oh my gosh, isn't it the WORST??? you know you're not just fatter, that it's actually a baby in there, but no one else can tell. it SUCKS huh?

i couldn't WAIT to be showing, if only so people didn't think i was just "letting myself go" lol but it took SIX MONTHS for me to show. before that i just looked fat. but once i showed, it was like "holy cow you are REALLY pregnant." it was so weird to be that shape that i was like "okay, maybe i wanna go back to NOT showing." cuz on top of everything else, that obvious baby bump seems to signal to strangers, "hey, come touch me." and i was so not cool with weird people carressing my mid-section...

cherish the time when it's only you and close loved ones who know that your tummy houses a precious little mouse byte, and only those closest to you will be rubbing your tummy :)