Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Thursday, April 19, 2007

I Am Now OBSESSED with...

the baby block on TLC. Every weekday I now watch A Baby Story and my favorite is Bringing Home Baby. These shows are great because they are not full of the really scary baby stories, but show what actually happens during labor and the first few days home with the newborn. I think I have learned a lot, mostly to just go with the flow by watching other people struggle through it. Don't get me wrong I am still nervous and bit scared about taking care of newborn, me with a newborn, how scary, I could barely babysit when I was a teenager, lol. But I am sooo excited and blessed to be getting the opportunity.


Anonymous said...

ME TOO!!! it was like taking a seminar on child birth and the first 72 hours of being a parent. you start to see similarities and kinda pick up on some tips here and there, so it's really good to watch it.

okay, confession time...i continue to watch it well after jacob was born because i like to see the "competition" out there as far as cute babies go. is that awful? i mean, all mommies think their baby is the cutest one that ever was or ever will be, but is there something wrong with me that i watch baby shows just to re-inforce that belief?

well, that, and to laugh at the parents that think the first night will be easy and that they expect to get a decent amount of sleep.

it won't be easy, sleep will be a precious commodity and you're gonna make mistakes. the first 3 months i think are the hardest (not to mention the most sleep-deprived, the WORST trick mother nature ever pulled) but luckily the baby won't remember much.

you'll be fine! especially because you've got such a wonderful, supportive husband by your side. remember to take care of each other as well as the baby and you guys are gonna be great!

oh, and remember, a happy, healthy mommy is a good mommy, so take time for yourself and let people help you. yes, little mouse byte comes first, but don't forget about you! cuz that baby is as lucky to have you as you are to have it. got it? ;)