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Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Dancing with the Stars

Yes, I admit it, I watched Dancing with the Stars this season. You see, I LOVE Joey Fatone, he is funny and adorable and wow can he dance. I am soooo happy he made it to the finals, the final two even. It's ok that Apollo won the whole thing, he was really good also, but just not as much fun as Joey. So I'm a bit sad he didn't win the whole thing, but super happy he beat out everyone else ;)

Now that Dancing with the Stars is over, when does Big Brother start again, hehe ;)


Mr. Puuk said...

I can't wait for BB either. Dianne is convinced I'd be the first one voted out if I ever went on that show. She might be right considering I have a tendency to speak my mind... a lot...

Anonymous said...

Damien argued that he'd last a bit longer and perhaps that's true. I think they'd vote him out just becuse 15 other people would have to share a bathroom with him. And he's a total bathroom HOG!